Man.Utd. įtti ekki ķ neinum vandręšum...

Berbatov var góšur og frįbęrt aš 30 mašurinn hafi skoraš 2 mörk! Leišinlegt aš sjį Scholes meišast en gott aš sjį hve stórkostlega frįbęr Giggs er.

En er einhver betri en Ronaldo?

cristiano_ronaldo_football_hero_686443.jpgÉg held ekki. Hann er langbesti knattspyrnumašurinn ķ dag.

Spurning hvort hann er nś žegar kominn į topp-listann?

1. Pele

2. Best

3. Cristiano Ronaldo? Berbatov meš tvö ķ Įlaborg
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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1 Smįmynd: Helga Kristjįnsdóttir


Helga Kristjįnsdóttir, 30.9.2008 kl. 23:46

2 Smįmynd: Karl Tómasson

Fręndi minn.

Viš žurfum aš lįta laga žessa sķšu žķna talsvert. Ég veit ekkert oršiš hvort ég er hjį žér eša öšrum žegar ég kķki ķ heimsókn til žķn. Žetta er glataš lśkk. 

Žaš fer hinsvegar ekkert fram hjį mér žegar žś ert annarsvegar žegar ég sé žig augliti til auglits, žį er allt ķ blóma.

Bestu kvešjur frį Kalla Tomm fręnda.

Karl Tómasson, 1.10.2008 kl. 00:51

3 identicon

Fręndi...viš skulum nś ekki gleyma okkur alveg!!

Žś ert held ég illa sżktur af manure veikinni...en žaš er til lękning žannig aš viš žurfum ekkert aš óttast;-)

Himmi (IP-tala skrįš) 1.10.2008 kl. 02:11

4 Smįmynd: Fjarki

Ég get tekiš undir meš žér aš C. Ronaldo fer hratt upp listann.

En ég hef Cantona ennžį fyrir ofan strįkinn.

En hann er nś bar 23-24 įra er žaš ekki, svo aš hann į žetta meš sama įframhaldi.

Fjarki , 1.10.2008 kl. 08:47

5 identicon

Knśs ķ tilefni dagsins!

Sigga Mannsa (IP-tala skrįš) 1.10.2008 kl. 14:18

6 Smįmynd: Įslaug Helga Hįlfdįnardóttir

Ekkert veit ég um fótbolta, en veit žó hvaša dagur er og segi žvķ "Gamli" til hamingju meš afmęliš!

Įslaug Helga Hįlfdįnardóttir, 1.10.2008 kl. 19:41

7 identicon

Til hamingju meš daginn afi,

Ķ tilefni dagsins leitaši ég rįša hjį hjśkku vegna vandamįlana žinna sem žś sagšir mér frį og hśn fullvissaši mig um aš žaš vęri hęgt aš lękna gigt og gyllinęš!



Snorri (IP-tala skrįš) 1.10.2008 kl. 23:14

8 identicon

CRISTIANO RONALDO says he is happy at Manchester United — but his body language this week told a very different story.

Alone, unhappy and seemingly with his mind and heart elsewhere.

None of us should forget Ronaldo tried his hardest to quit United for Real Madrid this summer.

He said and did everything he could to make the move happen but United stood firm and boss Alex Ferguson talked him into staying.

The club and player claim everything is now back to normal — but how can it be?

Certainly the evidence of the Euro clash against Aalborg in Denmark told a different story.

Let us remind ourselves this player was always the bubbliest on trips, wanting to be the centre of every joke and jape.

On Monday, on the flight out he sat alone and pensive.

On arrival at the small Danish airport he stood apart from the rest of his team-mates, who were joking and signing autographs.

Only when the team began to file out of the baggage area did his Portuguese team-mate Nani go over to Ronaldo and beckon him to join the end of the line.

On the eve of Champions League matches the team always train at the stadium they are to play in.

The first 15 minutes of the session are open to the Press, when players indulge in a footballing game of piggy in the middle.

Ronaldo always used to enjoy this — not on this occasion, however.

The game itself, which United won 3-0, saw him trying his best, as always, although there seemed to be no verbal communication between him and anyone else on the pitch.

The fans who spend their hard-earned cash to go to these away games are the staunchest at the club yet they still refuse to chant his name for his apparent treachery.

It could be just that his time out of the game recovering from an ankle op has left him frustrated as he still tries to regain his best form.

Outwardly he was certainly not giving anything away.

Ronaldo said: “I feel very comfortable now. I played my first game two weeks ago and all the fans appreciated me.

“I feel very good within the club and very happy. I want to carry on like that.”

Manager Ferguson certainly believes Ronaldo is on the right track. Fergie said: “Ronaldo is progressing all the time and I saw improvement in his sharpness against Aalborg. He always looked a threat.

“Even when he came on for the last 20 minutes against Villarreal he was a threat.

“He could have had a couple of goals against Aalborg but he did set up Berbatov.”

Ronaldo got back on the goal-scoring trail in his first start this season in the 3-1 Carling Cup win over Middlesbrough. Against Bolton he was at the centre of controversy when awarded a penalty after a tackle by Jlloyd Samuel.

He picked himself up to score from the spot. But the acclaim was not touching the heights of last season, when all the fans sang Viva Ronaldo.

No matter how hard everyone tries the question remains whether anything can ever be the same again.

Snorri (IP-tala skrįš) 2.10.2008 kl. 02:27

9 identicon

Til hamingju meš daginn ķ gęr fręndi sęll!

Christiano Ronaldo er og veršur aldrei ofar į listanum en mešal manna eins og Steve McManaman, Gary Speed, Jason Wilcox og Steve Stone: Komust ķ landslišiš og héldu aš žeir vęru ęgilega góšir og festust svo ķ neti mešalmennskunnar.

There“s only one Ronaldo!

Jói Kr. (IP-tala skrįš) 2.10.2008 kl. 22:22

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